Film Privacy

Set the visibility of your film.

<aside> 🧭 Go to: Film Settings β†’ Video β†’ Share


🌎 Public

Film is viewable by everyone.

πŸ”’ Private

Film cannot be viewed by others. To share the film privately, copy and share the Share Link (see below).

πŸ”— Unlisted

Film is hidden from Shortverse. To share the film privately, copy and share the Share Link (see below).

πŸ”— Share Link (Share a Private Screener)

The share link offers a private url that you can share with anyone to give them easy, one-click access to your film page and watch your private screener. Your film will respect your release settings for everyone else.

Pro: Share links is a feature only available to Pro members

share link.jpg

<aside> ❓ We’re here to help, πŸ’¬ Ask the Community βœ‰οΈ [email protected]


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Shortverse is a platform of 90,000+ filmmakers, festivals, industry professionals, and fans of short film. Join Shortverse β†’
