Know how your film stands up. Judge’s scores help you quantify how your films is viewed by a trusted third party along key criteria such as craft, story, and the experience one has watching it.

✉️ What you get

Receive judge’s scores across key criteria and your overall score. Submission required.

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✅ Scoring Criteria

Short of the Week scoring combines attributes that encapsulate both the filmmaking achievements as well as the viewing experience.

🏰 Story : Makes sense, holds your attention, has discernible arcs or themes. It takes the viewer on a compelling journey. ✦ Pacing, Writing, Structure

❤️ Emotion : Provokes deep feelings: laughter, sadness, fear, excitement. Connect with the characters and struggles. ✦ Drama, Characters, Performances

📐 Craft : Level of skill and craft in creating an immersive world that suspends disbelief and serves the story. ✦ Style, Animation, Effects, Sound

🪝 Premise : The premise is interesting and draws you in. ✦ Concept, Perspective

🎨 Originality : Freshness. An element, or combination of elements, are novel. Sparks new thoughts and is something you'll likely remember. ✦ Original, Memorable

💬 Shareability : It provokes a reaction and is something you feel compelled to share with the world. ✦ Provocative, Shareable

Overall : Reflects the overall impression of a film and is the average of all criteria scores. (1-10)


Every attribute is scored on a 1-10 scale.
